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A Letter From Brint Ryan
The Meaning of Pi Kappa Alpha Alive and Well on Founders Day

On Sunday evening, March 1, 2015, the bonds of brotherhood that were institutionalized exactly 147 years prior were shown to be alive and well at Epsilon Delta.

An Open Letter to my Brother

I consider you one of my closest friends; and that would be the case if we’d met anywhere else besides the fraternity. But it just so happens that we met as Pikes.
Roger Fallows Invests in Epsilon Delta’s Future

“Ever since I was a pledge it has been a goal to build a house. I got involved with the campaign because I saw a lot of momentum and wanted to do my part.
State of the Chapter

Since summer 2014, Epsilon Delta has been hard at work. The current active chapter is at 92 men. In November, they elected a new Executive Council, led by President Jarrett Way (Epsilon Delta, ’13).